Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Introduction to management enquiry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to management enquiry - Essay Example Although there are no large-scale changes taking place practically. Just three universities are going to charge less than maximum. Many standard universities still feel that teaching undergraduates is not profitable. The other reason universities hesitate to accept that all institutions and degrees are of equal standard, they fear that their credibility may get damaged. Thus one can feel relieved that just few institutions are going to adopt the new system. Bradford University is planning to give scholarship to computer science students, and the number of students would be reduced on the basis of grades. Poorly performing students would have to choose less important courses. The standard universities are still stuck up in managing the cost of teaching undergraduates. Yet the most acceptable way is to use research money and get finances from over seas students. The result is universities are planning to accommodate more foreigners by reducing the number of home students. This implementation of new system would be difficult because of low cap on fees. Expansion of popular courses would also be an option when extra students are taught at lower expenses. Universities should recruit right number of students because drastic increase or decrease would be unprofitable for them. If the university increases the number then it would lose government funding and also it would be fined. Let us see how it goes. The government 's target of bringing 50% of youngsters to universities by 2010 will not be achieved too. The government must have to ignore those universities that are expanding popular courses if the planned number is to be achieved. The implementation of this new system may bring some ridiculous situation to the over all scenario of the whole education system. It may look like chain of super store offering various incentives for their clearance sale or for increasing the revenues. It seems that all these binding conditions will not be successful, it will make universities like half-markets and it would be very difficult to manage. Critique The article paints a very bleak picture of the whole scenario. Although it contains some valid points but still there are some positive aspects of the Education bill 2004. The authority gained by universities for fixing tuition fees up to 3000 would give a much-needed fiscal width to universities. It is true that government funding has dropped but the gap created by this reduction could be fulfilled by the increase in the fee. It is also correct that the gap was financed from research and maintenance funds, but it had slowed down much needed research work. That retarded research will also get a boost from the income gained by the universities by increasing the tuition fee. The writer admits this fact that the students are real beneficiaries and they should pay more, so the academics may also get reasonable ruminations. The fear of rise elitism indicated by writer can be ignored keeping in view other benefits of this new system. Baroness Diana Warwick, chief executive of Universities UK said that the passage of this bill was essential, in her view, for the future health and strength of universities. She

Monday, October 28, 2019

Language skill is essential tool in the job market Essay Example for Free

Language skill is essential tool in the job market Essay Language skill is essential tool in the job market. Being able to speak a prefect english language is a skill that a person have over other graduates and being able to boost up the chances of getting the job. English language proficiency works as a determination of people’s opportunity to get a job. Hence it can be concluded that a persons ability and perseverance of a language plays an important and vital role in future employment. A person must have the ability to convey their ideas with a good english and to achieve it a daily practice of the language will give a better result. A better understanding of the language will secure a place for a better job. The characters in both articles teaches that we can improved the language skill if we try to our best. If we got enough self-motivation, it is possible brush up our language skills in our spare time. There are plenty ways to practice and improve the english language skill and one of it is through learning new words from dictionary. Other than that, Amy tan in her article â€Å"Mother Tongue† celebrates the fact that she did not follow the expectations that people had of her because her maths are better than her english and of her struggle with writing and language. Its shows that self-determination contributes to the success. I agree with you that it is essential that we properly understand the role that English plays and will play in our daily life. For many jobs, communication skills in English are in increasing demand. English is becoming a basic requirement for a job. Importance of the English language in the workplace continues to be a top concern among employers. A person who are more competent, fluent and impressive in speaking in English than other graduates have better opportunities in the job market. Every employee faces interview before getting a job. If that person is not suitable for the respective job in terms of English language, the chances of getting the job will be low.Hence, a good english language skill is important to secure a better job. The characters of both articles also says that we can learn and improve English language if we have a self-motivation and improve our daily communication. We can started with a simple English and improve it day by day .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Greed and the Death of Professional Sports Essay -- Argumentative Pers

Greed and the Death of Professional Sports "Show me the money," screamed Rod. "C'mon Jerry, show me the money!" We vividly remember this famous line from the hit movie, Jerry Maguire. The greedy football player, Rod Tidwell, screams these unforgettable lines trying to convince his agent that he will not settle for any less than a top dollar salary as the flashy Arizona Cardinal wide receiver. This scene exemplifies what has happened to professional sports in recent years. The focus of professional sports has evolved from one of teamwork and camaraderie to one of avarice and greed. The specific problems in recent years that have stemmed off this overwhelming greed include exorbitant salaries, lockouts (or work stoppages) in professional sports, and the growing disparity among team payrolls. Most recognize these issues as major problems; however, others overlook the greed and see validity in the financial aspect of today's sports world. They argue that professional sports are thriving and should not be modified. They also contend that sometimes lockouts are unavoidable and are often the only way to work out problems. The opposition reasons that professional teams with huge payrolls deserve all the money because they worked hard to get where they are. They argue that most players work hard to become great athletes and therefore they deserve enormous salaries. They also plead that lockouts are healthy for professional sports because they help each sport continually evolve and adapt to new problems it faces. While the opposition does not notice the gr... ...roblems though, or they will lose everything. Works Cited Abert, Daniel. "Pact Ends NHL Lockout." Monthly Labor Review 118 (1995): 76. "Baseball Owners Approve Interim Revenue Sharing." Available Online: Bergman, Ray. "My Baseball Dream." Baseball Parks 1 (1996): 1. Dortch, Shannon. "The Future of Baseball." American Demographics 18 (1996) 25-30. Jerry Maguire. Dir. Cameron Crowe. Perf. Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr. Tri- Star Pictures, 1996. Licter, Richard. "Magical Season." Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 12 Oct. 1998, 1. McGraw, Dan. "Baseball Celebrates, Fans Yawn." US News. 2 Nov. 1998, 1. NFL on CBS. Writ. Tom Weinert. Perf. Al Michaels, Henry Tevers, and Brian Green. CBS, New York. 26 Nov. 1998.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Animal Farm – Literary Essay

Is it not everyone's dream to live in a world where each person  is equal? Karl Marx came up with a  solution  to the problem of inequality and called it communism. The idea of  communism  looks like a good  plan  on paper but it could never work in real life because of ones’ large desire  for power. George Orwell uses his novel  Animal Farm  to show how one’s greed can lead a great plan to fail, regardless of the situation. He does this by showing how one loses focus of the original idea because they crave power, how one then goes against the original idea, and finally how one turns the original idea into something it was never supposed to be. In the beginning of the  book, Old Major tells the animals his dream of freedom for all animals. Then, Old Major dies, leaving behind his wisdom and his vision for all animals. Throughout the book the other animals carry out his dream and they name it Animalism. They even come up with rules, known as the seven commandments. â€Å"THE SEVEN COMMANDMENTS 1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill any other animal. 7. All animals are equal,† (page – chapter 2). The animals then  paint  these commandments on the wall and live by them every day. Even though these are great rules the pigs start to lose focus and start to battle for power. After Old Major dies and the plans for Animalism start to take off both Napoleon and Snowball fight for power over the farm. Two people cannot share power, because power cannot be shared. It is greed that pushes one leader to gain all of the power. In the book Animal Farm Snowball and Napoleon are battling for power. Orwell writes, â€Å"At last the day came when Snowball's plans were completed. At the Meeting on the following Sunday the question of whether or not to begin work on the windmill was to be put to the vote. When the animals had assembled in the big barn, Snowball stood up and, though occasionally interrupted by bleating from the sheep, set forth his reasons for advocating the building of the windmill. Then Napoleon stood up to reply. He said very quietly that the windmill was nonsense and that he advised nobody to vote for it, and promptly sat down again; he had spoken for barely thirty seconds, and seemed almost indifferent as to the effect he produced, (Chapter 5 paragraph 3). † Napoleon seems to strive for power more than Snowball does and he will take any chance he has to take Snowball down, which completely defeats Old Major’s vision of Animalism and its purpose of equality. Power was not a part of Old major’s vision. While Snowball is very intelligent and seems to want the best for Animal Farm Napoleon is just power-hungry. It is clear that Napoleon is jealous of Snowball, so he begins to plan how to get rid of him. To do this, Napoleon uses the dogs to chase Snowball off the farm. When they return to him it’s as if they have no regret. â€Å"It was noticed that they wagged their tails to him in the same way as the other dogs had been used to do to Mr. Jones,† (5. 15). Napoleon has a taste for power, and now that he has it he is only going to want more. After Snowball is gone, Napoleon has complete control of the farm, which is not a good thing. He rarely speaks for himself because he has Squealer to do it for him. Napoleon gets rid of the meetings, which also gets rid of opportunity for the other animals to speak. He also gives himself all of the luxuries. â€Å"In these days Napoleon rarely appeared in public, but spent all his time in the farmhouse, which was guarded at each door by fierce-looking dogs. When he did emerge, it was in a ceremonial manner, with an escort of six dogs who closely surrounded him and growled if anyone came too near,†Ã‚  (7. ) Napoleon is now the most important animal on the farm, and even re-writes history to make himself seem even better. Napoleon was not the only one to re-write history though, although, he was the one that demanded the others to make false confessions just so they could be killed. â€Å"And so the tale of confessions and executions went on, until there was a pile of corpses l ying before Napoleon’s feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood, which had been unknown there since the time of Jones,†Ã‚  (7. 6). Napoleon wanted to prove his power to the other animals and he would stop at nothing to do so. One could say that Napoleon became worse than Mr. Jones, the original farm owner, ever was. A plan that started out to make the farm a communist place turns out to be ruled by a dictator, again. George Orwell used the book Animal Farm to write about how Karl Marx’s idea of communism and how easily it can fail because one loses focus of the original idea.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drugs, Sports, Body Image and G.I. Joe Essay

The thesis is â€Å"some researchers worry that Joe and other action-hero figures may, in minor fashion, help fan the use of muscle-building drugs among young athletes.† (486) Angier wants to convey to the audience that dolls can affect whether he or she will use muscle-building drugs to grow big like the G.I. Joe dolls. Dolls like Barbie, G.I. Joe helps to send a message to the kids that being strong or being thin like the dolls are what they should look like as adults. A) Angier’s tone throughout the essay is informative to prove her point that dolls help kids the use of muscle-building drugs. She tells the audience how outrageous the doll’s body’s proportions are. She states that G.I, Joe’s â€Å"biceps bulge so much that they are larger around than his waist . . . human size, they would be larger than even the arms of the grotesquely muscular Mr. Olympias of today† (486). She wants to inform the audience that dolls that kids plays with are abnormal. The fact that kids plays with these kinds of dolls can have an effect on boys and girls. Angier also conveys that because kids want the type of bodies the dolls have, they will do things in order to achieve that goal. One of the ways is to use anabolic steroids which can make â€Å"it possible for men to look as big as superman† (487). Showing what problems steroids can cause will inform people that people should not be taking steroids to achieve the muscular body. The fact that Angier uses specific people who are certified to know about drugs and the influence of toys like Dr. Harrison G. Pope Jr., and Shalender Bhasin with increases her credibility. Readers will likely trust what Angier says because she supports her evidence with people who knows about steroids well. Barbies, G.I. Joe, and other American dolls can have an effect on kids about their appearance but I do not think that it is a huge factor that makes kids think that big muscles and thin bodies are the norm. It can leave a message to the kids that muscles and thin bodies are the best but I think normally to attract the others, people want to have big muscles and thin bodies. Also the fact that society wants to make people think that thin bodies and having a nice body is the best.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Iambic Pentameter Verses in Plays Like Julius Caesar

Iambic Pentameter Verses in Plays Like Julius Caesar Shakespeare was famous for writing in iambic pentameter, which is a specific way of rhyming sonnet lines in ten syllables. There are also forms of unrhymed iambic pentameter, as in Macbeth, with the noble characters. This metrical pattern of writing is also known as blank verse, and Shakespeare was famous for composing his plays as such. However, he also included additional forms of writing such as poetry and simple prose. Understanding Iambic Pentameter The term iambic pentameter† can sound intimidating at first, however, its simply a way of speaking that  Shakespeare’s contemporary audience would have been used to. While it is important to have an understanding of what iambic pentameter is to appreciate the plays,  there are only five key things to know: Iambic pentameter is a verse rhythm often used in Shakespeare’s writing.It has 10 syllables per line.Syllables alternate between stressed and unstressed beats, creating this pattern: â€Å"de/DUM de/DUM de/DUM de/DUM de/DUM.†Shakespeare played around with this structure to create different effects (for example, he changed the stress pattern and added syllables).Generally speaking, high-class characters speak in iambic pentameter and lower class characters speak in prose. The Origins of Iambic Pentameter and the Reasons for Its Use The goal of iambic pentameter was to create a meter for the English language in the sixteenth century. The reason for this was due to Latin being seen as the language of true literature while English was for common folk. Because Latin was seen as a superior language for poetry and literature, poets developed iambic pentameter to use English words that could be stressed and unstressed.   The effect of the pattern from Blank Verse allows poetry to be full of movement, imagery, and a music-like quality. In contemporary poetry, it is considered somewhat of a lost art, however, some use the pattern or a similar rhyming scheme  as a technique to bring their work to life. Iambic Pentameter Examples From Famous Shakespearean Plays Examples of iambic pentameter are found in many of Shakespeares plays, such as  Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Nights Dream, and more. See instances of the pattern in the verses that follow. From Romeo and Juliet: Two households, both alike in dignity,In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.From forth the fatal loins of these two foesA pair of star-crossd lovers take their life;(Prologue) But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,Who is already sick and pale with grief,That thou her maid art far more fair than she:Be not her maid, since she is envious;Her vestal livery is but sick and greenAnd none but fools do wear it; cast it off.(Act 2, Scene 2) From Julius Caesar: Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!(Act 3, Scene 2) From A Midsummer Nights Dream: And I do love thee: therefore, go with me;Ill give thee fairies to attend on thee,And they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep,And sing while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep;(Act 3, Scene 1) From Richard III: Now is the winter of our discontentMade glorious summer by this sun of York;And all the clouds that lourd upon our houseIn the deep bosom of the ocean buried.(Act 1, Scene 1) From Macbeth: Henceforth be earls, the first that ever ScotlandIn such an honour named. Whats more to do,Which would be planted newly with the time,As calling home our exiled friends abroadThat fled the snares of watchful tyranny;Producing forth the cruel ministersOf this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen,Who, as tis thought, by self and violent handsTook off her life; this, and what needful elseThat calls upon us, by the grace of Grace,We will perform in measure, time and place:So, thanks to all at once and to each one,Whom we invite to see us crownd at Scone.(Act 5, Scene 8) From Hamlet: O that this too too solid flesh would melt,Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew!Or that the Everlasting had not fix’dHis canon ’gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God!(Act 1, Scene 2) From Twelfth Night: If music be the food of love, play on;Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,The appetite may sicken, and so die.That strain again! it had a dying fall:O, it came oer my ear like the sweet sound,That breathes upon a bank of violets,Stealing and giving odour! Enough; no more:Tis not so sweet now as it was before.O spirit of love! how quick and fresh art thou,That, notwithstanding thy capacityReceiveth as the sea, nought enters there,Of what validity and pitch soeer,But falls into abatement and low price,Even in a minute: so full of shapes is fancyThat it alone is high fantastical.(Act 1, Scene 1)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Verbal Noun - Definition and Examples

Verbal Noun s A noun that is derived from a verb (usually by adding the suffix -ing) and that exhibits the ordinary properties of a noun. For example, in the sentence His firing of William was a mistake, the word firing functions as a verbal noun (A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, 1985). As Sidney Greenbaum notes in The Oxford Companion to the English Language (1992), Verbal nouns contrast with deverbal nouns, that is, other kinds of nouns derived from verbs, such as attempt, destruction, and including nouns ending in -ing that do not have verbal force: building in The building was empty. They also contrast with the gerund, which also ends in -ing, but is syntactically a verb.In traditional grammar, the expression verbal noun has often been treated as a synonym for gerund, but both terms are out of favour among some modern grammarians (Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2014). Examples and Observations: The atmosphere at home had become difficult as we approached our opening of the Shrew.(Sian Phillips, Public Places. Faber Faber, 2003)His acting  the part of Othello was distinguished by a breadth and grandeur that placed it far beyond the efforts of other actors.Even in fiction, the Joads misery is best captured in vignettes: Mas colloquies with Rose of Sharon, the rollicking dance at the government camp, Uncle Johns sending the dead baby down the river, images easily translated into film.  (Susan Shillinglaw, Introduction to A Russian Journal by John Steinbeck. Penguin, 1999)Margureitte Radcliffes afternoon testimony was taken up with her typing of the confession, the choice of paper, the crossed-out portions, the manner in which she had inserted the paper into the typewriterall questions from Andy Weathers.  (Ann Rule, Everything She Ever Wanted. Simon Schuster, 1992)The building of the British Empire may be said to have begun with the ascent of Queen Elizabeth to the thr one.   The dead might as well try to speak to the living as the old to the young.  (Willa Cather, One of Ours, 1922) Nominal Qualities of Verbal Nouns Though derived from a verb, a verbal noun is strictly a noun, and it exhibits nominal properties: it takes determiners like the and this, it permits adjectives (but not adverbs), it permits following prepositional phrases (but not objects), and it can even be pluralized if the sense permits. Example: In football, the deliberate tripping of an opponent is a foul. Here the verbal noun tripping takes the determiner the, the adjective deliberate and the prepositional phrase of an opponent, but it exhibits no verbal properties at all. In other words, tripping, in this case, is a perfectly ordinary noun, behaving just like any other noun, with no verbal properties in sight. Compare the last example with one involving the unremarkable noun attack: In football, a deliberate attack on an opponent is a foul.  (R.L. Trask, Mind the Gaffe! Harper, 2006) -ing Forms English . . . has a verb plus -ing form, rare in the multiplicity of its functions and in its complexity. No two grammars appear to agree on the appropriate terms for these forms: gerund, verb noun, verbal noun, participial clause, participial adjective, present participle, deverbal adjective, deverbal noun. Moreover, often one or another of its uses is omitted.  (Peter Newmark, Looking at English Words in Translation. Words, Words, Words: The Translator and the Language Learner, ed. by Gunilla M. Anderman and Margaret Rogers. Multilingual Matters, 1996) Gerunds and Verbal Nouns Gerunds are defined by two properties, the first making them verb-like, the second noun-like: (a) A gerund contains (at least) a verb stem and the suffix -ing.(b) A gerund has one of the functions that are characteristic of nounsor rather, . . . a gerund heads a phrase with one of the functions that are characteristic of NPs . . .. The combination of verb-like and noun-like properties given in (a) and (b) underlies the traditional characterisation of gerunds as verbal nouns. Note, however, that this latter term, verbal noun, implies that greater weight is attached to (b) than to (a): a verbal noun is primarily a kind of noun, not a kind of verb.  (Rodney D. Huddleston, Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 1984) Possession and Verbal Nouns You are familiar with gerund clauses as in this sentence: 30a We watched Mark winning the race. Compare this sentence: 30b We applauded Marks winning of the race. 30b contains a verbal noun, formed like the gerund by adding -ing to the verb but differing from the gerund in the kind of construction it appears in: the subject of the verbal noun is typically possessive and the object of the verbal noun is preceded by of, as in the example. All verbs form a gerund by adding -ing. . . .The next group of sentences contains verbal noun clauses in subject and object positions. As the examples show, when the verb requires a preposition before an object, the verbal noun keeps that preposition but if the verb does not have a preposition, the verbal noun inserts of. 31 I enjoyed our conversation. (We conversed.)32 Your response to that question was brilliant. (You responded to that question.)33 The companys employment of many people has added to our local economy. (The company employs many people.)34 The president will soon announce her selection of a new cabinet officer. (The president selects a new cabinet officer.) If the verb has an overt subject, that subject becomes a possessive form before a verbal noun, as shown. If there is no overt subject, the verbal noun is preceded by the.​  (Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English Semantics, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2014) Also Known As: -ing noun

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Grammatical Mistakes You Can Avoid When Speaking Spanish

10 Grammatical Mistakes You Can Avoid When Speaking Spanish Unless youre something other than human, theres no way to learn and use a foreign language without making your share of mistakes- and getting caught at it. With expectations that you would rather learn of your mistakes in the privacy of your home rather than being corrected, here are 10 fairly common Spanish grammatical errors, grouped in no particular order, that you should try to avoid. Key Takeaways Remember that Spanish and English, despite their similarities, dont always structure sentences in the same way.Short words- including prepositions- are more likely to trip you up than long ones.Mistakes are inevitable- just do your best, and native Spanish speakers are likely to appreciate your effort. Using Unnecessary Words Using buscar para instead of buscar to mean to look for. Buscar is best translated to seek, which like buscar is not followed by a preposition. Correct: Busco los dos libros. (I am looking for the two books.)Using un otro or una otra to mean another. The indefinite article isnt needed in Spanish. Neither is one needed before cierto, which can mean a certain. Correct: Quiero otro libro. (I want another book.) Quiero cierto libro. (I want a certain book.)Using un or una when stating someones occupation. The corresponding word, a or an, is required in English but not used in Spanish. Correct: No soy marinero, soy capitn. (I am not a mariner, I am a captain.)Wrongly using days of the week. Days of the week are usually used with the definite article (singular el or plural los), and it isnt necessary to say that an event happens on a certain day. Correct: Trabajo los lunes. (I work on Mondays.) Errors With Prepositions Ending a sentence in a preposition. Although some purists object, its quite common to end sentences in English with prepositions. But its a no-no in Spanish, so youll need to recast the sentence to make sure the prepositions object comes after the preposition. Correct:  ¿Con quià ©n puedo comer? (Whom can I eat with?)Using the wrong preposition. The prepositions of English and Spanish dont have one-to-one correspondence. Thus a simple preposition such as in in English might be translated not only as en but also as de (as in de la maà ±ana for in the morning), which typically is translated as of or from. Learning proper usage of prepositions can be one of the most challenging aspects of learning Spanish grammar. A lesson in prepositions is beyond the scope of this article, although you can study some of them here. Correct: Le compraron la casa a mi padre. (They bought the house from my father, or, depending on the context, they bought the house for my father) Es malo con su espos a. (He is mean to his wife.) Mi coche chocà ³ con su bicicleta. (My car ran into his bicycle.) Se vistià ³ de verde. (He dressed in green.) Other Grammatical Errors Wrongly using quien in relative clauses to mean who. In English, we say the car that runs but the boy who runs. In Spanish, we usually use que to mean both that and who. There are a few instances, beyond the scope of this lesson, in which quien can be used to mean who, but in many of them que can also be used, so que is usually the safer choice. Correct: Mi hija es alumna que estudia mucho. (My daughter is a student who studies a lot.)Forgetting to make the cientos portion of numbers feminine when required. We say cuatrocientos treinta y dos to say 432 to refer to a masculine noun but cuatrocientas treinta y dos when referring to a feminine noun. The distinction is easy to forget because of the distance between the number and the noun being referred to. Correct: Tengo quinientas diecisà ©is gallinas. (I have 516 hens.)Using possessive adjectives when referring to body parts and articles of clothing. In English, we usually refer to a persons body parts or clothing using possessive ad jectives. But in Spanish, the definite article (el or la) is used when the person to whom the body part or item belongs to is obvious. Correct:  ¡Abre los ojos! (Open your eyes!) El hombre se puso la camisa. (The man put on his shirt.) Avoiding those redundancies that are required in Spanish but would be incorrect in English. As noted in this lesson, a redundant indirect object is sometimes required, and as this lesson points out, double (or even triple!) negatives are sometimes needed. Correct: Juan le da una camisa a à ©l. (John is giving a shirt to him.) No dijo nada. (He said nothing.)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Literature reviewe (Technology adoption) Thesis

Literature reviewe (Technology adoption) - Thesis Example The developing countries have now started embracing technology to offer e-government services to the citizens but it has not been adapted globally at the same rate. The factors responsible for low penetration of technology is developing nations could vary across nations and regions. However, to make the services fruitful and to enhance adoption by consumers, various researchers have formulated and developed theoretical frameworks to understand and explain the process of technology adoption. Agarwal (2000) defines technology adoption as the use, or acceptance of a new technology, or new product. In Information Technology and Information system (IT/IS) research, numerous theories have been used to study users adoption of new technologies. Various models were developed including Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)(Davis, 1989), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)(Ajzen et al., 1980) , Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991), and recently, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Te chnology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003) which have all identified factors that affect an individual’s intention to use or the actual use of information technology. 3.2 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) The theory of reasoned action (TRA) (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975, Ajzen et al., 1980) is well-accepted model that has been used successfully to explain behaviour across wide variety of settings (Chau, 1996, Chen et al., 2002, Davis et al., 1989, Venkatesh, 1999). According to TRA, an individual’s behaviour is best predicted by his/her behavioural intention which, in turn, is determined by the person’s attitudes and subjective norm (social influence) (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). This implies that individuals consider the implications of their actions before they decided to engage or actually engage in any given behaviour. This theory focuses on behaviour intentions rather than on attitudes that influence behaviour (Al-Quesi, n.d.). However, an individual may not always consider the implications of his actions. This too may differ across individuals and across situations. According to TRA an individual’s intention to perform behaviour encompasses two factors – attitudes the performance of behaviour and subjective norms. Behavioural intention refers to the strength of one’s intention to perform a specified behaviour (Davis et al., 1989). Attitude is defined as the degree to which an individual makes a positive or negative evaluation about certain behaviour (Alzharani, n.d.). It is a set of beliefs about the object under consideration. An individual’s attitude towards any object can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy if the researcher has knowledge about the individual’s beliefs about the attitude object and the evaluation aspects of these beliefs (Al-Quesi, n.d.). If an individual believes that e-banking is risky or cumbersome or economic, his action would depend upon the evaluation of the attribute, Subj ective norm is defined as beliefs about what others will think about the behaviour (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). It is also the social norm to perform or not perform behaviour (Alzharani, n.d.). That is, if an individual believes that most of people who are important to him perceive the outcome of performing the behaviour as positive, he/she will be more likely to perform the behaviour. Hence it can be defined as the individual’s perception of what most people would like, especially people who matter to him. The subjective norms are generally determined by

Climate change impacts on local food production (Shrimp farming) in Research Paper

Climate change impacts on local food production (Shrimp farming) in Nha Trang , Vietnam - Research Paper Example Such climate changes never attained any fearful proportions and hence the there were no serious treats for the sustainment of life on earth till the last few centuries. An Inconvenient Truth was a documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim, in 2006, in which former United States Vice President Al Gore tried to educate the citizens about the necessity of preventing global warming. He has mentioned that it is crucial to change the attitude and behavior of the public to counter the climate change problems. In his opinion, climate change problems should be taken as a moral one rather than a political one (An Inconvenient Truth, 2006) But over the last few decades, the balancing between the energy liberated from the sun and the energy reached on earth was destroyed seriously because of many known and unknown reasons and as a result extreme weather conditions started to appear on earth’s atmosphere/surface. Even though the exact reasons for the climate changes on earth is still unknown or controversial, many people believe that the destructions forests, injudicious industrialization, long- and short-term variations in solar intensity, deviations in the Earths orbit, mountain-building and continental drift, and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations etc are the major reasons for the drastic climate changes on earth’s surface. In short, â€Å"climate change is already happening and represents one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet† (Climate change, 2010). Climate changes can affect the human life on earth in many ways. In this paper the climate change impacts on local food production in Nah Trang, Vietnam is described. Nah Trang sits within a coastal province in south central Vietnam with an area of 3352.27 km2, coastline of 105km and annual rainfall of 600mm. Shrimp farming is one of the major revenue source for the people in Nah Trang. The lack of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Term Paper Example Historical background After the entry of troops of the Third Reich into Poland in October 1939, the occupation authorities issued the order according to which Jews had to pass their money to financial institutions. A person was allowed to keep no more than 2000 zlotys. In public transport, the Nazis placed offensive posters intended to incite ethnic hatred. Speaking about the reasons for creating ghettos in towns of Poland, the Nazis claimed that Jews were carriers of infectious diseases, and that their isolation would help to protect non-Jewish population from the epidemics. In March 1940 a number of urban areas with high concentrations of Jewish population had been declared a quarantine zone. From these areas about 113.000 Poles were expelled, and this place was inhabited by 138.000 Jews from other places. The decision to organize the ghetto was taken on October 16, 1940 by Governor-general Hans Frank. At this point in the ghetto, there were about 440,000 people (37% of the populat ion), while the area of ghetto was 4.5% of the area of Warsaw. Initially leaving the ghetto without permission was liable to imprisonment for a term of 9 months. Since November 1941 the death penalty was applied. On November 16 the ghetto was fenced with a wall. Life in the ghetto Issues within the ghetto were regulated by Judenrat, which was under the control of German authorities. Chairman of the Judenrat was Adam Czerniakow, who â€Å"refused to take advantage of opportunities to leave Poland in the early months of the occupation, and he held Jewish leaders who did so in contempt as traitors to their people† (Niewyk & Nicosia 175). Head of the Jewish police in the ghetto was Jozef Sherinsky (Berenbaum & Peck 599). Officially established food standards for the ghetto were specially calculated for the people to starve and die. In the second half of 1941, food standards for the Jews included 184 calories. However, due to illegally supplied food, real consumption averaged 1125 calories a day. Part of the population was engaged in German manufacturing. Thus, in the sewing industry of Walter Tebens 18 thousand Jews were employed. The working day lasted 12 hours with no weekends and holidays. Of the 110 thousand workers of ghetto only 27000 had a permanent job. Inside the ghetto illegal production of various goods was organized, raw materials for which were supplied in secret. Products were also smuggled for sale or exchange for food outside the ghetto. In addition to the legal 70 bakeries in the ghetto there were 800 illegal ones. The cost of illegal export from the ghetto was estimated at 10 million zlotys a month. Among the inhabitants of the ghetto there was a layer of people, whose activities and position provided them with relatively good life (traders, smugglers, members of the Judenrat, the agents of the Gestapo). Most of the residents suffered from malnutrition. There were problems with health: Once the ghettos were sealed, the uncontrollable sprea d of typhus became a major problem. Some estimate that there was a case of exanthematic typhus in every family in the Warsaw ghetto, affecting from one-quarter to one-third of the population (Soumerai & Schulz 100). The worst situation was with the Jews, displaced from other parts of Poland. Not having connections and acquaintances, they had difficulties in finding and securing income for

Big Data Executive Briefs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Big Data Executive Briefs - Assignment Example However, it can be said that the lifeline of business organizations all over the world is to cater to demand of the consumers and customers, and hence the customers become the life line of the organizations and businesses. With the increase in competition in the market place, the companies are finding it tough to gain competitive advantage over their rivals, who are targeting the same group of consumers with similar product offerings. The application of Big Data technology helps the companies in a major way in the process of accumulating and analyzing large amounts of data in real time scenario by building various kinds of predictive models that helps the companies to understand the trends and patterns of the multiple variables that might affect the prospects of the business. Talking about this particular company, it has been assumed that the company has mainly product based offerings in its portfolio. Highlighting in these lines, it can be said that because of the company’s g lobal presences in more than 18 countries around the world, which comprises of markets like Asia Pacific, the western and Latin American markets. Hence it can be easily mentioned that the company’s products are often exposed to consumers all around the globe, however, under a different brand and product portfolio. The product portfolio mostly comprises of fast moving consumer goods which are non perishable in the short term. However, it is of utmost importance to mention the fact that the product portfolio for various countries are variable in terms of market to market and region to region, as the product needs to be marketed in order to cater to the needs of the customers of that particular market. So, the application and extent to which the big data can be applied in this product based global company is tremendously wide. In more specific terms, the big data if applied in the process of mining information from the company’s social media marketing forums will result i n the gaining of significant needs and wants of the consumers, which are highly different in nature in regards to the location and region of the market. The implementation of the big data will also benefit the company in the process of increasing automation in the process of supply chain and thereby increasing the efficiency of product deliveries and potentially removing the option of stock outs of fast moving and high selling consumer demanded products. The implementation of the big data will also provide significant improvement in the reduction of lead time and thereby raising the productivity range and scales. On a note of conclusion, it can be said that the company will gain a lot of advantages if they are successful in the implementation of Big Data. Executive Briefing TO: Senior Company Executive FROM: Manager DATE: 11/21/12 SUBJECT: Need for Implementing Big Data in the Business Context The 21st century is the era of globalization. The pace of change of today’s society is so fast that what is new today, becomes old tomorrow and obsolete and redundant the day after. Masses of most of the developing and well established economies around the world are turning towards the virtual world. The tremendous surge

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Literary Analysis of The Girls in Their Summer Dresses Essay

Literary Analysis of The Girls in Their Summer Dresses - Essay Example The argument that ensues shows that this is not the first time they argued over the same thing. This story depicts how communication, respect, and compromise is necessary in order to save a relationship. Character Analysis Michael Loomis, the husband, is a static character. He is a superficial man who has a roving eye and a blatant lack of respect for his wife. He is insensitive, yet he seems to enjoy the humorous exchanges he has with his wife. Unfortunately, he is a static character because despite the several emotional argument and emotional appeals made by his wife, he remains unmoved and unchanged. He seems to be concerned about what his wife feels, but until the end, he fails to really realize what his wife needs from him. Similar to Michael, Frances is also a static character. She is attractive but insecure. She obviously loves her husband and tries hard to make him laugh and have good times with him. However, she lacks courage to tell her husband to stop what he is doing. She fails to realize that she is actually allowing her feelings to be ignored because she always tries to give way. In the end, readers would realize that this same scene will repeat over and over in the couple's lives since there is no character change in either of them. Conflict The external conflict is simple: Michael and Frances do not see eye to eye regarding their marriage and their role to each other. Frances wants to get her husband's attention, while Michael seems to be bent on giving it to other women. Their internal conflict is more complex than the external one. Frances tries to understand how it is with men in order to iron out her relationship with her husband: â€Å"Some men're like that, I tell myself, they have to see what they're missing† (Shaw). On the other hand, Michael does not feel too happy with how this is affecting his wife: â€Å"...that Michael felt terribly sorry for her† (Shaw). They both try to fight their with themselves in order to please the other yet the external or more superficial desires win. Furthermore, what adds to this conflict is the refusal of the two involved individuals to resolve the issues between them by deep communication. Instead, they choose to ignore it, which causes the same issue to come up over and over again. Setting The story is set with vivid descriptions of New York and the women that stroll along its streets. This is an important detail in the story since it greatly provides the readers with a clear picture of what Michael and Frances see. Setting the story in a fast-paced city makes the scene a comfortable backdrop for an arguing couple. Furthermore, 5th Avenue Manhattan is a famous place filled with museums, fine dining restaurants, and boutiques, which makes the description of the beautiful, crisp, chic women so believable. It contributes to the conflict in the story because being in a big city as New York exposes the husband and wife to the major concern they have in their marriage --- Michael's roving eyes as he meets the types of women he has always wanted to have. Story Point of View The story is told in a limited third person point of view. The narrative is seen mainly through Michael's eyes, because his thoughts are more profoundly discussed compared to Frances'. Readers get to understand Frances' thoughts merely through her reactions to Michael. This is effective in keeping the story in a limited perspective, where it gives more

V for vendetta Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

V for vendetta - Movie Review Example Throughout the movie, V hides in a mask and carries his terroristic activities by blowing up buildings, murder and subterfuge. He rescues Evey form the hands of corrupt policemen who tries to rape her and this is a sign of how the government is rotten (Melnick, 6). This paper analysis the this film focusing on the stage of insurgency, type of insurgency in the movie, the reason behind the employment of guerrilla welfare in the movie, the insurgent strategies and tactics used in the movie and the counter-surgency strategy the government or the occupiers used. The State of Insurgency in the Film The reason behind the people in the movies forming guerrilla insurgent attacks is because they live under an oppressive government which has driven then to dire despair. The film shows several scenes of people in this state for instance some are at their front rooms or in the pub watching helplessly propaganda on the televisions. The British society in the movie is controlled by the government to extent that simple things such as butter and work of art such as painting and music which should bring pleasure to the people have been outlawed. This is meant to create a safe and peaceful society with absolutely no chaos. The government has an absolute control on the media and thus defines what news is released to the public (Melnick, 10). The people then launch several Guerrilla attacks after being instigated by V who has some grudge against the government who had tortured him in fire and also wishes to bring the dictatorial power to an end. V, through his strong rhetoric raises rebellion among the British citizens. He says that the government should fear the people and not the other way. He urges the people to remove the tyrannical government in power since they are responsible for that government being there in the first place. The attacks are therefore not directed to a presidential regime but it is to the whole system of governance. Stages in the Insurgency The insurgency n the film can be seen to be in two stages. Initially, the insurgency is in the mobile stage. This is where V carries out several independent attacks on the government without using the existing government structures. He uses this as a way of causing a revolution in the government. V walks like a shadow causing mayhem. He wears the mask of Guy Fawkes who was a well known conspirator in the 1605 Gunpowder plot which was used to bring about a revolution of the government of that time. The attack had happened on November the fifth which was remembered by many and symbolizes the 9/11 attack. He attacks the old Bailey during the seam date as the government commemorates the 605 attacks (Melnick, 7). Later, he mobilizes the other citizens against the government by showing them that it is their right to define the kind of government that rules them. The public is again inv0lved in a series of Guerilla attacks using the Guy Fawkes masks and this makes it hard for the police to track V. This stage is now called the guerilla attacks stage. It can thus be concluded that the insurgency in the movie moved from mobile war to guerrilla war stage. Type of Insurgency The type of insurgency in this movie is liberation insurgency. This is because the people seek to be liberated form a suppressive form of government not necessarily the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Literary Analysis of The Girls in Their Summer Dresses Essay

Literary Analysis of The Girls in Their Summer Dresses - Essay Example The argument that ensues shows that this is not the first time they argued over the same thing. This story depicts how communication, respect, and compromise is necessary in order to save a relationship. Character Analysis Michael Loomis, the husband, is a static character. He is a superficial man who has a roving eye and a blatant lack of respect for his wife. He is insensitive, yet he seems to enjoy the humorous exchanges he has with his wife. Unfortunately, he is a static character because despite the several emotional argument and emotional appeals made by his wife, he remains unmoved and unchanged. He seems to be concerned about what his wife feels, but until the end, he fails to really realize what his wife needs from him. Similar to Michael, Frances is also a static character. She is attractive but insecure. She obviously loves her husband and tries hard to make him laugh and have good times with him. However, she lacks courage to tell her husband to stop what he is doing. She fails to realize that she is actually allowing her feelings to be ignored because she always tries to give way. In the end, readers would realize that this same scene will repeat over and over in the couple's lives since there is no character change in either of them. Conflict The external conflict is simple: Michael and Frances do not see eye to eye regarding their marriage and their role to each other. Frances wants to get her husband's attention, while Michael seems to be bent on giving it to other women. Their internal conflict is more complex than the external one. Frances tries to understand how it is with men in order to iron out her relationship with her husband: â€Å"Some men're like that, I tell myself, they have to see what they're missing† (Shaw). On the other hand, Michael does not feel too happy with how this is affecting his wife: â€Å"...that Michael felt terribly sorry for her† (Shaw). They both try to fight their with themselves in order to please the other yet the external or more superficial desires win. Furthermore, what adds to this conflict is the refusal of the two involved individuals to resolve the issues between them by deep communication. Instead, they choose to ignore it, which causes the same issue to come up over and over again. Setting The story is set with vivid descriptions of New York and the women that stroll along its streets. This is an important detail in the story since it greatly provides the readers with a clear picture of what Michael and Frances see. Setting the story in a fast-paced city makes the scene a comfortable backdrop for an arguing couple. Furthermore, 5th Avenue Manhattan is a famous place filled with museums, fine dining restaurants, and boutiques, which makes the description of the beautiful, crisp, chic women so believable. It contributes to the conflict in the story because being in a big city as New York exposes the husband and wife to the major concern they have in their marriage --- Michael's roving eyes as he meets the types of women he has always wanted to have. Story Point of View The story is told in a limited third person point of view. The narrative is seen mainly through Michael's eyes, because his thoughts are more profoundly discussed compared to Frances'. Readers get to understand Frances' thoughts merely through her reactions to Michael. This is effective in keeping the story in a limited perspective, where it gives more

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Annotated bibliography /history of russian mafia

/history of russian mafia - Annotated Bibliography Example The ominous KGB was a "Mafia" in its own right. What developed in the 1990s was not just a culmination of what existed in the Communist Era or the start of Perestroika. These networks started long before. The criminal underworld has been part of Russian life for centuries. The realities of the Russian Mafia differ because they integrate every aspect of Russian society. Whereas other Mafias are different, the Russian Mafia has much more control over society. It is only in studying the history of how the society has developed then how quickly it has changed since 1991, that the true Mafia will be understood. Anderson, Annelise & Edward Lazear ed. The Red Mafia: A Legacy of Communism. "Economic Transition in Eastern Europe and Russia: Realities of Reform". Stanford, California: The Hoover Institution Press, 1995. Web. The mafia has been a necessary link from a communist to a market economy. The following article analyzes its origins as being part of the Soviet system. In the 1970s the use of the term mafia was used to describe the black market and those KGB members who extorted them at the cost of all. Mrs Anderson describes the term mafia in different countries. One element which is universal and first used in the Soviet Union to describe the mafia was "a group that is characterized by profit-oriented criminal activity, that uses violence or the threat of violence, that expends resources to discourage, cooperation of its members with the police and that corrupts legitimate governmental authority". There are 3 conditions that need to be met for the mafia to develop: loss of legitimate power ; a top heavy bureaucratic state; and the potential of illegal markets. These three conditions have been part of the Russian territory for centuries but the articles only concentrates on the Soviet Union . Other comparisons that she makes are left out as they do not meet

Monday, October 14, 2019

Starbucks and Types of Ownerships Essay Example for Free

Starbucks and Types of Ownerships Essay Most companies have different types of ownerships; from being a sole proprietor to having a partnership. Starbucks has a legal entity, distinct from any individual persons, with the power to own property and conduct business, also known as a Corporation. From becoming a Corporation, Starbucks has setbacks, but they also have benefits. Starbucks plays a big role in the growth of the United States and many other countries. The transportation options were made possible by railways, commercial airplanes, and mass-produced cars and trucks. They had the ability to pull money by selling shares of stock to outside investors; for example, when they licensed themselves out to Target or Barns and Noble. However, investors can easily and quickly convert their stock into cash by selling it on the open market. Having an ownership like a Corporation can also make your corporate stocks look like an attractive investment, which can increase the number of people and institutions willing to buy or invest their time? Corporations can use shares of their own stock to acquire other companies or find willing buyers for a corporate stock. Starbucks being a corporation has unlimited liability, but the various shareholders who own the corporation face limited liabilities? For example, as much as they put in or invest into that specific company, is as much as they potentially have of losing. Alex Whitt, an Assistant Manager at a Starbucks located in Manteca said, â€Å"I enjoy the fact that the company I work for is a Corporation because no matter what store I choose to work at or get transferred to, won’t have a transition I’d really need to get used to. Meaning, because Starbucks is a Corporation, each individual store is ran the same in some way shape or form; from creating the same experience for each customer to knowing how to make each drink the same because each Starbucks carries the same type of products to produce the same taste in ever cup. It’s always a question that comes up. What was the company like when it first started? Well, a lot can be learned about finding out the history of your favorite store. For Starbucks, 3 men got together for the love of coffee and opened up the first Starbucks store in 1971. English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegel, and writer Gordon Bowker opened the store† (The McGraw-Hill Companies) â€Å"in the touristy Pikes Place Market in Seattle† (The McGraw-Hill Companies). They all were interested in fine coffee and exotic tea, which was what Starbucks established for. They came up with the Starbucks name â€Å"in honor of Starbuck, the coffee-loving first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick† (The McGraw-Hill Companies). Including that it gave off a romantic feel of the store’s name as well. The logo, which is a two-tailed mermaid with the store’s name circling it, was designed by an artist friend. Starbucks was inspired by Alfred Peet who opened a small store known as Peet’s Coffee and Tea. In the 1980s, Siegel got burnout and eventually left the company to pursue other interests. Baldwin took over day-by-day management for the company and was acting chief executive officer. And Bowker stayed involved with the company but was more involved with his advertising and design firm. In 1982, â€Å"Howard Schultz took on his new responsibilities at Starbucks† (The McGraw-Hill Companies). Prior to this, there were many meetings and interviews within a year with Baldwin and Bowker before they finally made a decision. The stone continued to grow and got ideas from pretty much anywhere which has led up to the Starbucks that we know today. Entrepreneurship the spirit of innovation, the initiative, and the willingness to take the risk involved in creating and operating a business. Courtland L. Bovee, 2011)This is exactly what Howard Schultz had in mind; he once said â€Å"I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all. It’s seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. It’s seeing what other people don’t and pursuing that vision. † (Ogden)His vision of creating a coffee house where people not only have a cup of coffee, a place where people interact a third home away from home as the own Schultz puts it. Imagination, passion, a clear vision are some of Schultz ingredients for success. From a poor boy living on the poorest neighborhoods in New York to the owner of a multibillion company Schultz trained for success. (Ogden)He used the same principles as to when he was an athlete he never gave up instead he tackled the situation with an attitude of endurance and stayed focused to overcome any situation. Schultz had a vision of creating an Italian Cafe experience here in the United States. His vision led him to launch his own Italian cafe. This was the beginning of something big. He built a brand, by focusing on the total experience of the Starbucks customer. Schultz has made people his priority; by meeting employee’s expectations in return he has built a loyal more dedicated workforce, resulting in higher levels of customer service. â€Å"Our mission statement about treating people with respect and dignity is not just words but a creed we live by every day,† says Schultz (Ogden) Another key element to his success was his ability of recognizing his strengths and weaknesses. He knew he wasn’t going to do it all by himself instead he recruit others that share the same vision and values and that brought different strengths to the mix. Till this day is something he fosters and attributes to his success. Without these key elements Starbucks would not be the company that it is now. His entrepreneurial vision and innovative thinking has placed him among the top business entrepreneurs. ?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Albert Camus :: Biography

Albert Camus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Born on November 7, 1913 in Mandoui, Algeria, Albert Camus earned a worldwide reputation as a novelist and essayist and won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1957. Though his writings, and in some measure against his will, he became the leading moral voice of his generation during the 1950's. Camus died at the height of his fame, in an automobile accident near Sens, France on January 4, 1960.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Camus's deepest philosophical interests were in Western philosophy, among them Socrates, Pascal, Spinoza, and Nietsche. His interest in philosophy was almost exclusively moral in character. Camus came to the conclusion that none of the speculative systems of the past could provide and positive guidance for human life or any guarantee of the validity of human value. Camus also concluded that suicide is the only serious philosophical problem. He asks whether it makes any sense to go on living once the meaninglessness of human life is fully understood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Camus referred to this meaninglessness as the â€Å"absurdity† of life. He believed that this â€Å"absurdity† is the â€Å"failure of the world to satisfy the human demand that it provide a basis for human values-for our personal ideals and for our judgments of right and wrong.† He maintained that suicide cannot be regarded as an adequate response to the â€Å"experience of absurdity.† He says that suicide is an admission of incapacity, and such an admission is inconsistent with that human pride to which Camus openly appeals. Camus states, â€Å"there is nothing equal to the spectacle of human pride.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Furthermore, Camus also dealt with the topic of revolution in his essay The Rebel. Camus rejected what he calls â€Å"metaphysical revolt,† which he sees as

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay -- The Crucible Salem Witchtrials

The Crucible by Arthur Miller The Crucible is a fictional retelling of events in American history surrounding the Salem witch trials of the seventeenth century, yet is as much a product of the time in which Arthur Miller wrote it, the early 1950s, as it is description of Puritan society. At that particular time in the 1950s, when Arthur Miller wrote the play the American Senator McCarthy who chaired the ‘House Un-American Activities Committee’ was very conscious of communism and feared its influence in America. It stopped authors’ writings being published in fear of them being socialist sympathisers. Miller was fascinated by the Salem Witch Trials and that human beings were capable of such madness. In the 1950s the audience would have seen the play as a parallel between the McCarthy trials and the Salem Trials. A 21st century audience would look at the play from the perspective of needless hysteria and accusations and would be amazed that human nature when put into these situations reacts the way it does in the play. In modern time we are able to appreciate the play without being concerned with the parallels of McCarthyism. Although my selected scene is only three-quarters way through the play it is very conclusive in the way that it shows the ability of the court to accept the condemnations of people looking for vengeance and the girls’ lies throughout the trials. The historical background to the play, although quite old still relates to human life and behaviour. It shows the willingness of human beings to blame anyone but themselves. It enforces the belief that humans are not ready to take responsibility for their actions and would rather find a scapegoat than be righteous. The key scene i... ...willing to do to get her way. Only the girls, Mary and Proctor know to what extent Abigail can manipulate a situation in her favour as well as people. Even when she appeals for help from Danforth they continue to echo her. E.g. Mary: â€Å"Mr. Danforth!† Abigail and the girls: â€Å"Mr. Danforth!† This may be because Abigail does not want Mary to tell Danforth the truth and Abigail’s plot. This therefore prevents Danforth from finding out about Abigail and her manipulation of the other girls. Mary has to show great willpower to oppose Abigail; e.g. â€Å"I have no power.† In the stage directions it shows Mary summoning all her determination from within to stand up to Abigail. In this scene we can see how powerful Miller’s characters can be. Our first impression of Abigail is accurate because she is clearly capable of sending people to death to save herself.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friar Laurence and the Nurse Essay

The Nurse and Friar Laurence have a great influence on the outcome of Shakespeare’s famous play, Romeo and Juliet. Their words and actions have an enourmous impact on the two main characters. The Friar acts as Romeo’s friend, philosopher, and guide. This is a parallel role to the Nurse who advises Juliet. They continuously work together to find ways for the young adults to marry in hopes of uniting the two and bringing peace to Verona. Their roles as parent figures compel them to help the two adolescents marry. The Nurse and Friar Laurence are kind and meaningful characters who positively contribute to the alliance and temporary happiness of Romeo and Juliet. The Friar elicits the emotions in Romeo that are usually reserved for a father. He is ready with a plan to help the secretly impassioned lovers. â€Å"But come on, inconsistent young man, come with me. I’ll help you with your secret wedding. This marriage may be lucky enough to turn the hatred between your families†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He feels able to bring the years of feuding between the Montagues and the Capulets to an end by helping Romeo and Juliet to marry. The Nurse is a trusted family servant to Lord Capulet in Verona and she maintains an active voice in their family affairs. Lady Capulet involves the Nurse in her discussion with Juliet about her possible marriage to Paris. She has been with the Capulet family for at least fourteen years, the entirety of Juliet’s life. The Nurse had a daughter, Susan, born on the same exact day as Juliet. Susan died, and since her death the Nurse has taken care of Juliet and become more like a mother to her than Lady Capulet. The Nurse was actually Juliet’s wet nurse, and it is proven that a bond between a baby and one who feeds it is very strong. She uses many terms of endearment; when calling on Juliet: â€Å"What, lamb? What ladybird?† When Juliet speaks to her mother she speaks very formally, calling her â€Å"madam.† The conversation between Juliet and her mother is stilted and proper, whereas the Nurse is very open with her opinions, advice, and feelings with Juliet. When talking about Paris, she talks like a schoolgirl gossiping about Paris’ looks: â€Å"A man, young lady! Lady such a man as all the world – why, he’s a man of wax.† It is the Nurse who tells Juliet that Romeo has been banished after killing Tybalt. â€Å"Tybalt is gone, and Romeo banished; Romeo that kill’d him, he is banished.† The Nurse is the only guest at Romeo and Juliet’s wedding and it is Friar Laurence who marries them. Each of these characters, therefore, has a central role in the play. It is Friar Laurence who gives Juliet the sleeping draught to be used to convince her famnily that she is dead. His letter to Romeo goes missing and this is key to Romeo’s suicide when he too believes that Juliet has taken her own life. It is the Nurse who finds Juliet’s body. The two older characters whose words and actions are most central to the play, then, are the Nurse – a positive maternal role model to Juliet – and Friar Laurence – a positive paternal role model to Romeo.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sustainable Transportation Policy In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate Change, or Global Warming, is one of the most serious environmental menaces of the twenty-first century. Harmonizing to NST article on Top 10 list Global Warming Cause, Carbon dioxide emanations from firing gasolene for transit responsible for approximately 33 % of emanations. With the population turning at an dismaying rate, the demand for more autos and consumer goods means that we are increasing the usage of fossil fuels for transit and fabrication. The jobs of nursery gas emanations and urban air quality are concentrating attending on sustainable conveyance. There are many definitions on sustainable transit. A sustainable conveyance system as defined by The Centre for Sustainable Transportation ( Gilbert and Tanguay, 2000 ) is as follows: Allows the basic entree and development demands of persons, companies and societies to be met safely and in a mode consistent with human and ecosystem, wellness, and promotes equity within and between consecutive coevalss. Is low-cost, operates reasonably and expeditiously, offers pick of conveyance manner, and supports a competitory economic system, every bit good as balanced regional development. Limits emanations and waste within the planet ‘s ability to absorb them, uses renewable resources at or below their rates of coevals, and uses non-renewable resources at or below the rates of development of renewable replacements while minimising the impact on the usage of land and the coevals of noise. How can transit go more sustainable? Harmonizing to The Center for Sustainable Transportation system it is defined as: With regard to society, transit systems should: Meet basic human demands for wellness, comfort, and convenience in ways that do non emphasize the societal cloth. Allow and support development at a human graduated table, and supply for a sensible pick of conveyance manners, types of lodging and community, and life manners. Produce no more noise than is acceptable by communities. Be safe for people and their belongings. With regard to the economic system, transit systems should: Provide cost-efficient service and capacity. Be financially low-cost in each coevals. Support vibrant, sustainable economic activity. With regard to the environment, transit systems should: Make usage of land in a manner that has little or no impact on the unity of ecosystems. Use meagerly energy beginnings that are basically non renewable or unlimited. Use other resources that are renewable or unlimited, achieved in portion through the reuse of points and the recycling of stuffs used in vehicles and substructure. Produce no more emanations and waste than can be accommodated by the planet ‘s renewing ability. Harmonizing to the Center for Sustainable Transportaion besides, there are several barriers to the attainment of sustainable transit. Four of the most of import are these: More than for most other countries of human enterprise, decision-making about transit by authoritiess, corporations, and persons has become locked into manners that reinforce the present unsustainable agreements and tendencies. There is a mentality that accomplishing sustainable transit is excessively dearly-won, hard, and will endanger our quality of life and life style. Combustion of low-priced oil provides more than 99 per cent of the energy for motorised transit and creates many of the environmental jobs that result from transit. Harnessing renewable options will be a major challenge. Mechanisms for placing betterments in sustainable transit, and circulating ensuing success narratives, and good tendencies are unequal. The attempt towards accomplishing sustainable conveyance includes technological betterments of autos and lorries, fuels and substructure. However, utilizing vehicles more expeditiously ( higher burden factor for lorries, and fewer individual tenancy private vehicles ) would be a good start towards a smarter usage of conveyance. Walking and cycling are the ‘greenest ‘ and most sustainable signifiers of conveyance. However, public conveyance is a cardinal option but it is non having the precedence which it should be. Transport becomes sustainable merely when it does non harm the environment or uses fuel from renewable beginnings such as air current and solar. In footings of human mobility, this means more usage of public conveyance ( including integrated mobility services ) , and non-motorised manners of conveyance like walking and cycling. For motion of goods, rail cargo is more fuel efficient than hauling. The public transit system in Klang Valley includes coachs, commuter Light Rail Transit ( LRT ) , monorail, coachs and taxis. Public conveyance riders are merely every bit inconsiderate as the drivers. Lining up is a practically unknown phenomenon is thwarting and clip consuming 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Whenever a auto is started, sitting idle or driving it is bring forthing emanations that are make fulling our ambiance. These emanations include nitrogen gas ( N2 ) , C dioxide ( CO2 ) , H2O vapor ( H2O ) , C monoxide ( CO ) , hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) , and N oxides ( NO and NO2, together called NOx ) . Bryant et al. 2008. Carbon dioxide represents about 80 per centum of the manmade nursery gases blamed for planetary heating. 15 % of the manmade C dioxide ( CO2 ) in the Earth ‘s ambiance comes from autos, trucks, aeroplanes, trains, and ships. The staying 85 % of atmospheric CO2 comes from industry, edifices and agribusiness. Current tendencies show atmospheric CO2 concentration would duplicate by the terminal of the century ( Jan Fuglestvedt 2008 ) Figure 1: Projected concentration degrees presuming go oning â€Å" concern as usual † behavior ( Beginning: University of Maryland ) Harmonizing ESMAP, Traffic congestion can impact human wellness due to pollution with high degrees of particulates, hydrocarbons, lead and NOx. there are three chief beginnings of particulate air pollution: vehicle fumes, re-suspended route dust, and solid fuels, The Federal Highway Administration has documented the degrees of these emanations and how much of each compound is produced by autos ( see Figure 2 ) . Air Pollutant Proportion from On route Motor Vehicles Note Oxides of Nitrogen ( NOx ) 34 % precursor to groundaˆ?level ozone ( smog ) , which amendss the respiratory system and injures workss Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOC ) 34 % precursor to groundaˆ?level ozone ( smog ) , which amendss the respiratory system and injures workss Carbon Monoxide ( CO ) 51 % contributes to smog production ; toxicant in high concentrations Particulate Matter ( PM10 ) 10 % does non include dust from paved and unpaved roads, which are the major beginning of particulate affair pollution ( 50 % of the sum ) Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ) 33 % thought to be primary subscriber to planetary heating Figure 2: Transportation Air Quality: Selected Facts and Figures 2002. Sterba 2009 Harmonizing to analyze on Hybrid Cars ( Michael et. al 2010 ) , their higher monetary value bends consumers off and makes the vehicles a less attractive economic investing. Energy efficient treating techniques need to be developed before the advanced stuffs in loanblends can assist add to their clean image. Widespread alteration to progress intercrossed engineerings is non a executable option in the close hereafter because of both cost and the limited sum of loanblends on the route today. Overall, loanblend engineering has a batch of possible in the distant hereafter, but as for right now they are non a important betterment over today ‘s internal burning engine. It was recorded that from twelvemonth 2005 to twelvemonth 2009 there were about 42 million vehicles register in Malaysia as shown in Figure 3. Year Car enrollment Public vehicle Commercial Vehicles Entire Year 2005 6,473,261 136500 805157 7,414,918 Year 2006 6,941,996 142038 836579 7,920,613 Year 2007 7,419,643 147050 871234 8,437,927 Year 2008 7,966,525 154524 909243 9,030,292 Year 2009 8,506,080 162309 936222 9,604,611 Entire 37,307,505 742,421 4,358,435 42,408,361 Figure 3: No of vehicles in Malaysia by type To cover with the terrible traffic jobs in Malaysia particularly in Klang Valley the transit contrivers will hold to look to solutions such as utilizing public conveyance and presenting more environmental friendly vehicles. In the 10TH Malaysia Plan, a amount of RM2.8 billion is allocated for bettering urban public transit was chosen as one of six National Key Result Areas ( NKRAs ) , which are priority countries under the Government Transformation Programme. During the 10MP period, connectivity across different manners of public conveyance will be improved through the constitution of multi-modal transportation hubs for services within metropoliss, from suburban countries into metropoliss and for intercity travel. The Strategic Plan is a papers which determines the way of future transit system in Malaysia. Harmonizing to The strategic Plan of The Ministry of Transport ( 2008 – 2015 ) , development of conveyance substructure a seamless, integrated, sustainable and competitory to run into the aspirations states is emphasised. One of the program objective is to guarantee that environmental non contaminated by the land conveyance, air and maritime. TERAS 2 The scheme highlighted is to optimise new engineerings in conveyance by advancing the usage of environmentally friendly vehicles and supplying seamless transit system by bettering the park N drive installations at all Stationss of urban conveyance to run into the aim to beef up and supply world-class incorporate conveyance substructure. Park and Ride ( P & A ; R ) system are known as inducement parking system. This installations system consists of auto Parkss with connexions to public conveyance. The user will utilize public transit to go into metropolis and leave their forces vehicles in a auto park. P & A ; R system are by and large located in suburbs of metropolitan countries or on the outer borders of big metropoliss. Many states had utilizing this system such as United Kingdom, United State, Japan and Singapore. Park and Ride was foremost initiated in the United Kingdom ( UK ) in the sixtiess and seventiess that enjoy most success in metropoliss historic in nature and rather little capacity of commanding that balance to their inhibiting urban construction. In a scope of scenes across the UK, nevertheless, some of which really different in size and nature to the earlier host Centres, Park and Ride has later emerged as a major constituent of local conveyance policies. In Malaysia, the authorities starts utilizing Park and Ride system such as Kuala Lumpur, around Klang Valley and Putrajaya Harmonizing to CASE STUDY ON AWARENESS AND EFFECTIVENESS OF PARK AND RIDE AT PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA the consciousness degree for both Putrajaya citizens and visitants is non high plenty to make the mark of the Park and Ride system. This is because, about merely half of the people is utilizing the system while the remainder garbage to utilize the system and make non cognize to us the system. The understanding about the system need to be good explain to the both Putrajaya citizens and besides the visitants. Therefore, the user of Park and Ride may increase and many traffic jobs could cut down. Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Transport ( EST ) provide an illustration of how standards and marks can be linked to important environmental and wellness quality aims. These marks are long-run – specific intermediate marks and mileposts should be set to concentrate action. The quantitative mark degrees below are non normative and could be adapted harmonizing to national, regional or local fortunes. What is indispensable for the EST attack, is that mark degrees are set to accomplish environmental and wellness quality aims. Carbon dioxide Climate alteration is prevented by cut downing C dioxide emanations so that atmospheric concentrations of CO2are stabilised at or below their 1990 degrees. Consequently, entire emanations of CO2 from conveyance should non transcend 20 % to 50 % of such emanations in 1990 depending on specific national conditions. Nox Damage from ambient NO2and ozone degrees and N deposition is greatly reduced by meeting WHO Air Quality Guidelines for human wellness and eco-toxicity. This implies that entire emanations of NOxfrom conveyance should non transcend 10 % of such emanations in 1990. VOCs Damage from carcinogenic VOCs and ozone is greatly reduced by meeting WHO Air Quality Guidelines for human wellness and ecosystem protection. Entire emanations of transport-related VOCs should non transcend 10 % of such emanations in 1990 ( less for highly toxic VOCs ) .2 Particulates Harmful ambient air degrees are avoided by cut downing emanations of all right particulates ( particularly those less than 10 micrometers in diameter ) . Depending on local and regional conditions, this may imply a decrease of 55 % to 99 % of all right particulate ( PM10 ) emanations from conveyance, compared with 1990 degrees. Landuse/Landtake Land usage and substructure for the motion, care, and storage of conveyance vehicles is developed in such a manner that local and regional aims for air, H2O, eco-system and biodiversity protection are met. Compared to 1990 degrees, this will probably imply the Restoration and enlargement of green infinites in built-up countries. Noise Noise from conveyance no longer consequences in out-of-door noise degrees that present a wellness concern or serious nuisance. Depending on local and regional conditions, this may imply a decrease of conveyance noise to no more than a upper limit of 55 dubnium ( A ) during the twenty-four hours and 45 dubnium ( A ) at dark and out-of-doorss. Minister of Transport Malaysia in his address reference that â€Å" The conveyance sector has now entered the new epoch of a more ambitious and requires a high committedness from all sides. It is now requires a manner of conveyance and more incorporate services and quality system. In add-on environmental facets should besides be given accent in the planning of all undertakings for the Ministry of guarantee sustainable development. † ( Message from DATUK ONG TEE KEAT, Minister of Transport Malaysia ) 3.0 METHODOLOGY This is Life Cycle Analysis academic composing which needs a batch of diaries and article readings, cyberspace surfboarding and cognition. Some articles were from Ministry of Transport, 10th Malaysia Plan and Malayan Strategic Planning to guarantee that suggestion proposed relevant to the way of Malaysia development ( Dasar Pembangunan Negara ) . However, more elaborate surveies should be done to acquire thoughts that can lend to accomplishing the ends. 4.0 Discussion What are the holistic attack toward sustainable transit policy in Malaysia? Several schemes can be developed such as:1. Develop of national transit schemeTransportation system webs are an of import piece of the communications substructure of a state. We are wholly dependent on our transit webs to travel goods and people throughout the state. A national transit scheme such as highlighted in The Strategic Plan would assist Malaysia make a sustainable transit policy. More schemes must emphasis on green engineering.2. Enhance national public transit schemeIn order to cut down the figure of private autos on the route, the authorities must be after their short term and long term schemes for public transit. Peoples must be encouraged to take public conveyance for the motion of goods and people. Long term schemes need to be after on how people can travel about in the hereafter by utilizing public conveyance as a precedence and make the finish faster, convenient and comfy. The Malayan authorities has stated a end to hold 40 % of the population utilizing public transit in the hereafter. Unfortunately, at a interim we have limited picks for safe, convenient, dependable public transit. For illustration, we have a really limited train to go from North to South. Road accidents which involved express coach are frequently happen in the state. Therefore, task force group which include expertness from relevant field must be formed. This group will come out with the national public transit schemes and besides to advice the stakeholders on how to accomplish the mission3. National public transit sectionPublic transit should non be run as a profitable concern. It must be look as a pick of transit that people can take. Minimum menu should be charge to the people. More subsidies must be given to this section. Peoples will certainly utilize public conveyance if it is convenient and comfy with the low menu. It is clip for the authorities to upgrade the public transit to the first category installations by turn uping more money in this department.Research and development unit must besides organize in this section. This unit will ever make research on new engineerings to upgrade the transit systems or conveyance which environmental friendly like was done in Seoul as an Earth friendly transit metropolis.4. Expanded national railroad webRailway engineering is still the most efficient manner to travel goods and people. Successful rail webs in Europe, Japan, India, China, Taiwan, and shortly in Argentina, show us that the motion of riders by rail is faster, easier, and better than auto or air travel. Thankss to the English Channel Tunnel and the Eurostar High Speed Train, London and Paris are now two hours apart by train. Trains travel more people, avoid congestion on the roads, usage less energy, and are far more appealing than planes or autos. A state like Malaysia should hold a dependable railroad transit web for cargo every bit good as a fast rider railroad web linking all major metropoliss. High Speed rail connexions between Kuala Lumpur and neighbouring capital metropoliss must be explored. Therefore, the full double-tracking and electrification of all rail lines within Malaysia is necessary. In add-on, ternary trailing and the building of extra rail lines should be considered.5. Regional/local public transit authorizationAs we can see in the urban country, there is a more than one public transit company. for illustration in Klang vale, Rapid KL and XXX are the celebrated coach companies. It is suppose to be merely one authorization which responsible for the planning, ordinance and inadvertence of public transit. This local authorization has the responsibility to command the coach systems so that it operates under an effectual an efficient system. This would extinguish unneeded and uneconomical competition and promote stableness and dependability in public transit. 6. Additional, secure support for regional/local public transit Public transit service is of import substructure. It should non be operated like a concern. There should be no ground why a coach company should even seek to run a sustainable concern. All first public transit services do non do money. They in fact lose money, and their extra costs are borne by a combination of authorities financess, bonds, and extra investings. The best manner to construct stable, dependable public transit substructure is to fund it decently and fund it early on. This means capital investing and regular operations subsidies are necessary. No universe category transit bureau should even be trying to retrieve 50 % o more of their grosss from menus paid by riders. Alternatively, they should be having money from public and private investing. Presently the province authorities of Terengganu is be aftering the debut of Rapid Terengganu, a state-level coach service. While any bus service betterments are good intelligence, this intelligence is even better because it shows that the province authorities is committed to bettering public transit through authorities regulated service. One little point, nevertheless. The name â€Å" Rapid † is overused, and possibly should be limited to large metropoliss merely. A state-level service should hold an appropriate name that reflects the service being offered, non a selling tool. I personally like â€Å" Bas Negeri Terengganu † and I think the acronym â€Å" Bantu † ( for â€Å" Bas Negeri Terengganu † ) would be a really appropriate as the word â€Å" Bantu † reflects the constructs of assisting and back uping each other. 7. Expanded KTM Komuter Service We have to gain that KTM Komuter has the lowest costs and greatest potency for enlargement among all manners of transit. An expanded KTM Komuter service ( that means, higher frequences, longer trains, faster trains, and more lines ) would promote people to utilize rapid theodolite. It merely costs excessively much to construct adequate LRT lines to do a difference in the transit substructure in the Klang Valley. KTM Komuter enlargement programs include new webs in the North and South, extensions from Sentul to Batu Caves, Rasa to Tanjung Malim, and Seremban to Senawang. A program is afoot to reconstruct more than a twelve damaged electric-multiple unit ( EMU ) trains, which would let higher frequence and more dependable service. The authorities must perpetrate to a existent enlargement of KTM Komuter service, intending more lines, adequate trains for five minute frequences, and dependable service. 8. More urban mass-transit lines LRT and mass theodolite should be built in urban countries, instead than suburban or rural countries. The cost of building is increasing daily, and this is why the authorities should be perpetrating to construct lines in urban countries, non suburban or rural countries. There is no ground, for illustration, to construct an LRT from Kuala Lumpur to Klang, when Kuala Lumpur itself still needs at least four more LRT lines ( in add-on to the new Kota Damansara-Cheras line ) . Urban countries need mass theodolite. Urban countries have huge Numberss of people and they have the population denseness to do mass-transit cost effectual. Suburban countries do non necessitate mass theodolite such as LRT lines. They truly need enhanced, frequent and dependable coach service to travel the huge Numberss of people spread out over a broad country. The planned Kota Damansara-Cheras LRT line will go through Kuala Lumpur. The Sentul-Batu Caves extension will alter transit in the northern countries of Kuala Lumpur. However, extra lines are needed in Kuala Lumpur to make the nucleus of a mass-transit web. The authorities should be constructing in urban countries, non the suburban countries. Extensions are for the hereafter. The nucleus of the mass-transit web demands to be built now. 9. Promoting Park and Ride The authorities should implement the user of Park and Ridein urban country. But before that the quality of service of Park and Ride system demand to be improved where more frequent service of the coachs to bring the people from one point to another. Besides improve the service, other schemes to increase the figure of coach user is provide adequate information to the client. Kiosk and information Centre is suited to advise the information about Park and Ride system to the people. Selling and publicity such as image advertisement, new occupant publicity and menu inducements may besides impact the figure of bus user.Malaysians seem to hold an compulsion with LRT and a misinterpretation of traffic congestion. We besides think that traffic jobs can be solved with monolithic undertakings instead than simple solutions. I wo n't tire you with the inside informations of why.LRT is a mass-transit, and it is dearly-won. As stated before, there is no possible manner to construct all of the LRT l ines that are needed to make speedy, dependable, convenient public transit. This means that other rapid theodolite options must be explored. Alternate signifiers of rapid theodolite include rapid ropewaies, and coach rapid theodolite. Even simple things like traffic signal precedence, coach lanes, and traffic monitoring cameras will do a immense difference.Sadly, the bulk of people in Malaysia still cleaving to the belief that traffic visible radiations, reduced figure of lanes, and roundabouts contribute to traffic congestion. The truth is that traffic congestion is caused by holding excessively many autos on the route at the same clip. Fewer autos equal lower congestion.There is hope that the reaching of local public transit governments will do a large difference, spread outing and heightening public transit. Extremist thoughts need to be implemented to cut down the figure of autos on the route. Bus lanes are merely a start but they are easy to implement. Bus Rapid Transit would b e the following measure.A dependable Bus Rapid Transit service running along major roads like Jalan Puchong, Jalan Klang Lama, the Federal Highway, Jalan Ipoh, Jalan Kepong, and others, would besides assist. The authorities must denote a program to put in tram lines, non merely extra LRT lines.10. Decrease in gasoline subsidy and inducements to promote the usage of public transitPetrol subsidies may do the lives of some people easier, but economic sciences say that anytime you fix the monetary value of an point below its natural monetary value, demand will increase and this will finally ensue in deficits of the merchandise. We have seen this happen in Malaysia with cooking oil, sugar, and Diesel fuel. Petrol and wheat may be the following points confronting deficits.The monetary value of gasoline in Malaysia is low ( compared to universe markets ) . Malaysians are driving more and demanding more gasoline. The supply is less and less dependable. Any instability is paid through revenu e enhancements and authorities financess.Other states such as Indonesia ( 2005 ) and Myanmar ( 2007 ) have seen immense additions in the monetary value of fuel after the authorities could no longer afford the subsidies.One manner to cut down the demand for gasoline is to cut down the subsidy ( thereby raising the monetary value at the pumps ) and directing that money into enhanced public conveyance service. The authorities needs to accept that this determination, though unpopular at first, will be in the best involvements of the people.To do their point clear, the authorities should cut down the gasoline subsidy by an sum of RM0.08 per liter, which would take to an increased pump monetary value of RM2.00 per liter. An 8 sen addition in the monetary value of gasoline ( after the election, of class ) would be much easier to accept than a 60 sen hiking in 2 to 3 old ages clip. The authorities should apportion the financess saved towards bettering and heightening public transit.There ar e many simple things that the authorities can make to heighten public transit across the state, and these can be implemented rapidly. An expanded Touch ‘N ‘ Go service, subsidies for coach operations, revenue enhancement inducements on the purchase of monthly theodolite base on ballss, and investing in support of public conveyance governments would do a immense difference for Malaysia.DrumheadThe proposals here are comparatively uninteresting and less glamourous than new LRT lines or monorails in every metropolis that asks for one. The fact is that public transit can be interesting and glamourous and inspiring. However, before that can all go on, there must be alterations in the attitude of the authorities and the people.It is good to believe that improved public transit is portion of the solution to traffic congestion in Malaysia. However, many people do non talk out and demand better public transit, and do non really intend to utilize the improved public transit.They a re losing the point. We can merely hold inspiring, glamourous, interesting and effectual public transit if there are alterations at the authorities degree. Once the authorities makes the necessary alterations, creates a national public transit scheme and a National Public Transportation Department, so we will eventually be on path to a great hereafter.a regular user of public conveyance, is profoundly concerned that authorities programs to promote the usage of public conveyance will finally neglect because of hapless planning and deficiency of support from the populace. 5.0 Decision Guaranting advancement towards sustainable development suppose to be a precedence of the Malayan authorities. Transport is a peculiarly ambitious sector. It is indispensable to modern life, but has many inauspicious effects on wellness and environment. Most transport tendencies are unsustainable. More attempt must be put on to develop public conveyance because survey found that utilizing public conveyance can minimise the environmental pollution and impact of wellness to homo. Although there is a batch of bad intelligence -A the good intelligence is it ‘s non excessively late! We can implement solutions, but we need to move fast and we need our authorities to take the lead.A

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hk FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY HONG KONG DIPLOMA OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION PRACTICE PAPER MATHEMATICS COMPULSORY PART PAPER 1 ( ) PROVISIONAL MARKING SCHEME This marking scheme has been prepared by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority for teachers’ reference. Teachers should remind their students NOT to regard this marking scheme as a set of model answers. Our examinations emphasise the testing of understanding, the practical application of knowledge and the use of processing skills.Hence the use of model answers, or anything else which encourages rote memorisation, will not help students to improve their learning nor develop their abilities in addressing and solving problems. The Authority is counting on the co-operation of teachers in this regard. Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority All Rights Reserved 2012 PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 1 Â © , , , , , ,? , , , FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY , , ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?, ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : , , , , , , , , ? ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , , , , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ; ? ; ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , , , , , , , ;? , , , , a. M A (u) 1 PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 2 8. 1. 3. 4. 7. 5. 2. 6. c. d. b. u-1 pp-1 M (1) 1 A (pp) M (2) u FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY pp 1 1 1 (1) (1) A (2) (2) (m 5 n ? 2 ) 6 m 4 n ? 3 m 30 n ? 2 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 1. = = m 4 n ? 3 m30 ? 4 n12 ? 3 1M 1M 1A ———-(3) m 26 = n9 2. 1M 1M 1A 3ab = 2b ? 5 2b ? 5 a= 3b 1M 1M 1A ———-(3) 3. (a) 9 x 2 ? 42 xy + 49 y 2 1A (b) 9 x 2 ? 42 xy + 49 y 2 ? 6 x + 14 y 1M 1A ———-(3) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 3 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY = (3x ? 7 y ) 2 ? 2(3x ? 7 y ) = (3x ? 7 y )(3 x ? 7 y ? 2) = (3x ? 7 y ) 2 ? 6 x + 14 y = (3x ? 7 y ) 2 5+b 3b 3b ? (5 + b) a= 3b 2b ? 5 a= 3b a = 1? ? 5+b = 3b 1? a 5 + b = 3b(1 ? a) ? 5+b = 3b 1? a 5 + b = 3b(1 ? a) 5 + b = 3b ? 3ab 3b(1 ? a) a 3b(1 ? a) a (a) ? ap = a p ? q a ? (ab) p = a pb p (a p )q = a pq ap 1 = q? p q a a ? ? ? ? 4. $x x (80%) = 360 (1 + 30%) 360(1. 3) x= 0. 8 x = 585 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY pp? 1 1M + 1M 1M+1M+1A 1A u? 1 = 1M+1M+1A 1M + 1M 1A u? 1 ———-(4) 5. x y pp? 1 ?x 4 ? = ? y 3 ? 7 x + 9 y = 11 ? 1A+1A 1A u? 1 x pp? 1 1A+1M+1A 1A y= u? 1 ———-(4) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 4 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY , ? , x= 4 5 1A 0. 8 4 5 ? ? ? 3x ? 7 x + 9 ? ? = 11 ? 4 ? 4 5 ? ? ? ? 3x ? 7 x + 9 ? ? = 11 ? 4 ? 4 x= 5 1M 0. 8 ? ? 360 (1 + 30%) 80% = $ 585 ? ? $ 585 x (80%) 360 (1 + 30%) 360 (1 + 30%) 80% ? ? ? ? , ? , , , ? x y 3x + 1M 4 7 x + 9 y = 11 6. (a) ? AOC = 337Â ° ? 157Â ° = 180Â ° A O FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 1M C 1A (b) BO ? AC ? ABC = 1 (13 + 15)(14) 2 = 196 1M 1A ———-(4) 7. 180Â ° ? 36Â ° 2 ? ABC = 72Â ° ? ABC = 1A u? 1 180Â ° ? 36Â ° 2 ? ACB = 72Â ° ? BCD = 90Â ° ? ACB = ?ACD = 90Â ° ? 72Â ° = 18Â ° ? ABD = ? ACD = 18Â ° 1A u? 1 ———-(4) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 5 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ? ? BAC = ? BDC = 36Â ° AB = AC ? ACB = ? ABC 1M 1M 1A ?ABD = ? ABC ? CBD = 72Â ° ? 54Â ° = 18Â ° ? ? ?BCD = 90Â ° ? CBD = 180Â ° ? 90Â ° ? 36Â ° = 54Â ° ? BAC = ? BDC = 36Â ° AB = AC ? ACB = ? ABC 1A 1M 1M ? AOC ? ? ? , ? , , ? , ? , , ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? 8. (a) FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 1A pp–1 1A P pp–1 (b) ( x , y) ( x ? 3) 2 + ( y ? 4) 2 = ( x ? 5) 2 + ( y ? (? 2)) 2 1M+1A 1A A? B ? ? 3 + 5 4 + (? 2) ? =? , ? 2 ? 2 ? = (4 , 1) 1M A? B? 4 ? (? 2) = 3? 5 = ? 3 1A 1A ———-(5) 9. (a) =5? 5 =0 2? 2 1M 1A = 5? 2 =3 (b) 1A 1A ———-(5) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 6 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ? , ? ? ? , ? , ? , r =9 9 + 8 > 12 + s s 12 1A ———-(2) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 8 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ? , , ? , , ? 16 ? 2 2 = 7 km/h 7>6 = 12 2 = 6 km/h x 12 = 78 120 x = 7 . 8 78 : 120 = 63 ? 32 = 31 1M 1A u? 1 ———-(2) ? ? , ? ? 13. (a) FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY pp? 1 n 6 3 = n 20 n = 40 1M k = 40 ? 6 ? 11 ? 5 ? 10 =8 (b) (i) 1M 1A ———-(3) 1M 1A u? 1 = (ii) m pp? 1 1M 1A ———-(4) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 9 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY , 5 + m (45)(2) = 40 + m 360 20 + 4m = 40 + m 3m = 20 20 3 5 (360Â °) 40 = 45Â ° 5+m n+m ? ? ? ? 14. (a) ? BCD ~ ? OA D FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 2A ———-(2) 1M 1M (b) (i) (b) 1M AD CD ( 0 , 4) pp–1 1M 1M (ii) AC OABC (3 , 2 ) OABC OABC k1 k2 ?0 + 0 + k1 (0) + k 2 (0) + k3 = 0 ? ? 2 2 ? 6 + 0 + k1 (6) + k 2 (0) + k3 = 0 ? 2 2 ? 0 + 4 + k1 (0) + k 2 (4) + k 3 = 0 ? 2 2 1M 1A ———-(7) OABC x + y ? 6x ? 4 y = 0 PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 10 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 2 2 k1 = ? 6 k 2 = ? 4 k3 = 0 ? ? ? ? , x + y + k1 x + k 2 y + k3 = 0 k3 2 2 ? ( x ? 3) 2 + ( y ? 2) 2 = 13 ? (3 ? 0) + (4 ? 2) 2 = 13 2 1A x 2 + y 2 ? 6x ? 4 y = 0 1M ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , , ? , ? ? , ? ? , ? , ) ( h 2 ? 24h + 80 = 0 h=4 h = 20 C 1A ( ) ? ? ? 12 ? h ? ? 2 2 ? 6 + 12 ? ? = 16 ? 45 ? 2 ? , ? ? ? C (0 , h) 16 ? CD ? ? ? = 45 ? AD ? 2 ? ? 15. (a) FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY s 36 ? 48 = ? 2 s s=6 1M 66 ? 48 6 =3 = 1A ———-(2) (b) 1 ———-(2) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 11 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 1M 1A ? , , , ? ? , , ? ? 16. (a) FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY = 1M 1A = 1A ———-(2) 0. 112 (b) 1M 1A = = = 30 C4 1M 1A 1M 1A 1M 1A ———-(2) = 530 609 PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 12 FO R TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ? 18 12 11 10 ? ? 18 17 12 11 ? ? 18 ? ? 17 16 ? ? 12 ? = 4 ? ? + 6 ? ? + 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 30 29 28 27 ? ? 30 29 28 27 ? ? 30 ? ? 29 28 ? ? 27 ? ? 68 ? 2 11 10 9 ? ? ? ? 609 ? 30 29 28 27 ? 530 = 609 = 1? 530 609 18 12 18 12 18 12 C1 C3 + C 2 C2 + C3 C1 530 609 ? = 1? 12 68 C4 ? 30 609 C 4 1 – (a) – p1 0. 870 3 0. 870 1 – (a) – p2 0. 870 14 0. 870 , ? ? 18 17 16 15 ? = ? ? ? 30 29 28 27 ? 68 = 609 1M 68 609 0. 112 ? r r ? 1 r ? 2 r ? 3 ? ? ? n n ? 1 n ? 2 n ? 3 ? ? ? ? 18 C4 30 C4 r 9 000 000 1 ? 0 . 8 (0. 8) n < 0. 1 n log 0. 8 < log 0. 1 n> log 0. 1 log 0. 8 n > 10. 31885116 11 n 1M 1A (ii) 1A (iii) = ( ( ) 1M )( ) 1M 1A ———(10) PP-DSE-MATH-CP 1? 16 FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ? 2 000 000 (1 ? (0. 8) m ) 4 000 000 (1 ? (0. 64) m ) ? 0 m (0. 8) ? 1 < 0 m ? 2 000 000(1 ? (0. 8) m ) 4 000 000(1 ? (0. 64) m ) ? 1 ? 0 . 8 1 ? 0. 64 10 ? ? = 10 000 000 ? (1 ? (0. 8) m ) ? (1 ? (0. 64) m ) ? 9 ? ? 10 ? ? = 10 000 000 ? (1 ? (0. 8) m ) ? (1 ? (0. 8) 2m ) ? 9 ? ? 10 000 000 m 2 m = 10 ((0. 8) ) ? 9(0. 8) ? 1 9 10 000 000 = 10 (0. 8) m + 1 (0. 8) m ? 1 9 m (0. 8) m > 0 (0. 8) m < 1 1M < 2 000000 + 2 000000(1 ? 20%) + 2 000000(1 ? 20%)2 + L 2 000 000 = 1 ? 0. = 10 000 000 $ 10 000 000 1M 2 000000 + 2 000000(1 ? 20%) + L + 2 000000(1 ? 20%)n? 1 > 9 000000 $ 9 000 000 ? ? ? , , , ? , , ? , ? ? FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A C A D D 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. C B D A B D A A B C D C A D C C B C D B D B A B C 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY D B C D A B A C A C B A B D C